Family fun
It’s all about Safety.

Safety at Wonder Shows plays a vital role when it comes to keeping you and your family safe while enjoying the thrills of the midway. Each year the Manitoba Labour Board inspects each ride thoroughly to see if there would be any possible conflicts that ride may come into before the season begins to ensure a flawless and safe ride. Each ride is also structurally tested by a company called Professional Testers, where they bring out their diagnostic tools to test the rides integrity and support. Safety not only comes from what we do at Wonder Shows, but what you do as a rider and a patron at Wonder Shows Below you will find some of the safety rules and regulations, and the reasons behind some of the rules on the midway.

Going on amusement park rides is one of the safest forms of recreation. According to the International Association of Amusement Park Attractions, you are more likely to be injured when you play sports, ride a horse, or even ride a bicycle. Statistics show the occurrence of death to be approximately one in 250 million riders.

This group’s statistics are supported by those of the National Consumer Product Safety Commission. It estimates that more than 270 million people visit amusement parks each year, and that 7,000 people out of those 270 million go to emergency rooms for injuries they receive on amusement park rides–that’s only 0.00259 percent of riders.Both of these groups report that the main reason for deaths and injuries on amusement park rides is preventable error.
This would include such things as the lack of routine maintenance and the disregard of safety rules by both operators and riders. Almost every ride has a set of safety rules.
These usually require that riders meet certain criteria relating to age, height, and weight, or warn them not to ride if they have certain medical conditions.
For example, small children might be barred from some rides because of their low body mass. People with back or neck problems may be at a greater risk of injury on rides that create force on these areas. A ride’s designers understand the forces acting on the rider and create the safety rules for his reason.
–Source Amusement Park Physics
Fun facts about
the Merry Go Round

Are some horses moving faster than others?
With all of its beauty and seeming simplicity, the carousel is a delicate balance of motion and forces. All of the horses move through one complete circle in the same amount of time.
The horses on the outside of the carousel have to cover more distance than the inside horses in the same amount of time. This means the horses on the outside have a faster linear speed than those at the hub.
Before the Ride
- Observe age, height and weight restrictions to determine whether or not the ride is appropriate for your child.
- Read all of the rules for each ride so you can then instruct your child on how to behave appropriately.
During the Ride
- Be sure to tie up long hair and remove any loose articles (sunglasses, hats, jewelry) that have the potential to fall off during the ride.
- Remain seated, buckled in and be sure to keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.
- Use all safety equipment which the ride offers and remember to always listen to the operator’s instructions.
After the Ride
- When the ride is over, remain seated until you come to a complete stop.
- If you feel tired, stop riding or take a break – the rides aren’t as much fun if you are exhausted. If you find any problems with any rides, be sure to report them to the operator immediately.